Article I Introductory provisions

1.1 The General Terms and Conditions shall be an integral part of this agreement made between the Client and the Provider.

1.2 This agreement between the Client and the Provider is deemed to be made by submitting a written order. A written order is deemed to be an order placed through the Internet order form situated on the website, or by e-mail.

1.3 The concluded Terms and Conditions can only be modified or invalidated by an explicit mutual agreement made by both contracting parties.

Article II Subject of performance

2.1 The subject of performance is the organization of language training for the general public provided by the Provider upon order (hereafter referred to as “Training”).

2.2 The Provider hereby acknowledges to being committed to arrange for the language training upon Client’s submission of the binding order and payment of the full price of the language training as agreed.

Article III Acceptance of language training

3.1 The Client hereby acknowledges to be committed to accepting the language training upon submission of the binding order and payment of the training fee as per the Payment terms set forth under Art. VII.

3.2 In the event that there are serious reasons preventing the usual organization of the language training, the Provider may arrange for an alternative language training.

3.3 In the case that there is no serious reason on the Client’s side that would prevent him from accepting the language training, the Provider is entitled to seek reimbursement of the ordered language training.

Article IV Date of training

4.1 The training is held based on the details stated by the Client (the Provider) in the submitted order.

4.2 The training is not held on public holidays, unless otherwise agreed.

4.3 Language training must be completed before specified deadline depending on number of lessons irrespectively of how long or how many times the training was interrupted by the Client when taking lessons, more specifically:

  • 5 lessons – the training must be completed within 10 weeks from the purchase date at the latest
  • 10 lessons – the training must be completed within 18 weeks from the purchase date at the latest
  • 15 lessons – the training must be completed within 24 weeks from the purchase date at the latest
  • 20 lessons – the training must be completed within 32 weeks from the purchase date at the latest

4.4 Should the Client exceed the deadline for the completion of the training set forth under the clause 4.3 Article IV from the purchase date of the training, the Client is no longer entitled to use the remaining lessons.

Article V Cancellation of lessons

5.1 Should the Client not be able to attend the training lesson as agreed, he/she must notify his/her teacher in charge or a contact person of Jazykové studio Bonmot (Bonmot language studio) of the respective fact up to and not later than  6 PM on the previous day. Otherwise every such lesson is considered used and the Provider is entitled to include it on the list of taught lessons.

5.2 Shall the Client (the ordering party) not attend the lesson within 15 minutes from its beginning, the lesson is considered used and no compensation claim arises.

Article VI Pricing

6.1 The training price is the price of the respective language training according to details stated in the pricing lists of Jazykové studio Bonmot (Bonmot language studio). Study books or study materials are not included in the pricing.

Article VII Payment terms

7.1 The Client can use payment methods listed below to purchase the training:

  • by wire transfer to bank account no. 1209203022/3030 (AirBank)
  • by employee benefits: Benefit Plus and Edenred

7.2 The payment for the training can be made in one or two instalments by payment methods stated under clause 7.1. No cash payment is accepted.

7.3 Should the Client choose to pay in one instalment, he/she is obliged to pay 100% of the training price not later than within 5 workdays (by wire transfer) upon the submission of the binding order to the Provider.

7.4 Should the Client choose to pay in two instalments, he/she is obliged to pay 50% (1st instalment) of the training price, not later than within 5 workdays (by wire transfer) upon the confirmation of receipt of the binding order by the Provider. The Client is obliged to pay the remaining 50% (2nd instalment) not later than 5 days before the first lesson of the second half of the training takes place. Example: should the Client order 10 lessons, he/she will pay the 1st instalment not later than 5 days before the start of the training and the 2nd instalment not later than 5 days before the 6th lesson is scheduled to take place.

7.5 Intense language training can only be purchased and paid for in one single instalment, i.e. 100% of the training fee, not later than 3 workdays (payment by employee benefits), or 5 workdays (payment by wire transfer) upon the confirmation of the binding order by the Provider.

7.6 In the case of paying 100% of the training fee in one instalment, the Client will be issued with a single tax invoice. In the case of paying in 2 instalments, the Provider shall issue a tax invoice for each instalment separately.

Article VII Discounts

8.1 The Client can use discounts for language training set forth in advance by the Provider.

8.2 The discounts can be used for relevant language training, but they can’t be combined. The Client is obliged to notify the Provider regarding the use of the discount in the order form in accordance with the Terms and Conditions set forth under Article VIII to be eligible for the respective discount.

8.3 The Provider reserves the right to modify and change the rules for granting discounts.

8.4 The Provider must be notified of the discounts in advance as they are not automatically included in the training fee.

8.5 Discounts cannot be backdated.

Article IX Provision of language services

9.1 The Provider herewith commits himself to providing the language services in accordance with all respective details required for provision of the respective services that are generally available on:

Article X Withdrawal from a contract

10.1 The Client is entitled to withdraw from the contract. He must do so in writing. Using electronic mail is also considered a written form. On withdrawing from a contract the Client acknowledges to be committed to paying a compensation fee (furthermore referred to as “Cancellation fee”).

10.2 The cancellation fee depends upon the date of withdrawal from the contract. The amount of cancellation fee is defined as follows:

  • 10 % of the training fee on submitting the order not later than on 1st lesson
  • 50 % of the training fee within 10 workdays from the 1st lesson
  • 100 % of the training fee later than 10 workdays from the 1st lesson

Article XI Complaint

11.1 The complaint can be made as follows:

  • in person upon prior agreement with the Provider
  • in writing (also by e-mail)
  • by phone

11.2 A complaint can be made within 15 workdays from attending to the first lesson at the latest. A complaint related to a particular lesson can be made within 2 days from the date of the lesson in question at the latest.

11.3 Should the Provider find the complaint substantiated, he will propose an alternative to the Client. Should the Client not agree with any of the proposed alternatives, the complaint will be settled by compensating the Client, and the compensation will amount to the price paid by the Client for the training before making the complaint, decreased by the proportional price for used lessons.

11.4 The Client herewith acknowledges that the complaint can only be made in accordance with Article III.

Article XII Complaint Admission

12.1 The Client is entitled to make a complaint only in serious cases related to quality and scope of services provided by the Provider or when presenting a proof of illness in a timely manner.

12.2 In the event of illness, the Client is still entitled to use the proportional value for unused language training upon presenting relevant proofs within 15 workdays after the occurrence of this event, in such a way as agreed between the Provider and the Client.

12.3 The Provider is not responsible for such a complaint made by the Client arising as a consequence of a Provider’s failure to meet his obligations caused by events that can’t be prevented by the Provider (e.g. natural catastrophes, regulations etc.).

12.4 Should a lesson not take place for reasons on the side of the Provider, the Provider is committed to arranging to reschedule the lesson on an alternate date or postpone the date accordingly so that all lessons can be attended as agreed.

Article XIII Data Protection

13.1 By filling out any form situated on the website the Client gives his/her consent to the Provider to using his/her personal data for sending commercial materials related to language training to the extent as follows: name, surname, e-mail address. This consent is given indefinitely, but can be revoked at any time in writing. This personal data will not be provided to any third party.

Article XIV Final Provisions

14.1 Unless otherwise stipulated by these Terms and Conditions, legal relationship between the contractual parties shall be governed by the respective statutory provisions of Act no. 513/1991 Coll.

14.2 These Terms and Conditions are considered General Terms and Conditions according to § 273 of the Civic Code.

14.3 These Terms and Conditions are binding for the respective contractual parties.

14.4 These Terms and Conditions are effective as of 01.01.2024.

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